Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Early Spring Progress

Leafing and budding
Not so good for the adoptees

garage grape vine- gateway arch- budding

The bud burst on the Pinot Noir portavines are well advanced this week, very pleasing.

The cuttings from last year, 'class of 2010', two good and two not so- yet, out of about ten, and five were potted.

The 2011 cuttings are swelling, fingers crossed, a leaf on one!


Shiraz portavines- progressing well.

Class of 2010 cuttings survivors is not to bad, three maybe five are swelling up, the rest- nil...

The 2011 shiraz cuttings: one example

Lessons Learnt
The idea of putting the cuttings in the established vine pots is not such a good one after all, the propagation effort seems to be a bit dismal for the time and effort. Will stick with the mass planting in a pot or tray as pictured above.

Once there is an established growth spurt, will probably transfer to separate pots over the summer months.


It really is a shame that I put off planting the new vines I adopted from Harry. leaving them bare rooted for too long may have been very detrimental to the potential survival, as only a couple of the Shiraz plants seem to have any swelling buds, and the chardonnay plants- None. So far...

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