Saturday Night Fever Esh-tic
Scanning Slides for a Picture Show
Altogether, 12 Reels, 120 slides each...... |
Last year, my mother, hence forward to be known as... "K"... lent me her slide scanning device AND ALL the family slides taken from since I was BORN to my brothers wedding in 1988. A lot of slides, Marv... The family jewels include 12 reels of slides and a few dozen photograph albums, because we were the most photogenic people in the world... Mum and Dad had a few camera 'tween them as I was growing up, so a few old anniversary things were documented for (my) posterity. last night I started a journey back to where I just peed where ever I wanted too... and at who ever was dumb enough to let me automatically let go with no pants on- beginners. Anyway---

The Hubby, "Tez", gave "K" a laptop a few years ago now that "K" is sort of in a sit down job after six kids (and a hubby too, both still hangin' in there). Not that he wanted anything to do with the new fangled gadget, like, maybe also taking an interest in digital photography as well, as an ex-wedding photographer (with plates indeed!)? "Nah thanks"... That was then, now he has been through a few digital cameras and loves to show off the best latest creations. "That
is a good shot Dad!" of garden blooms and the local water fowl- Pelicans etc- and because he is a professional, it does not take long, as only the best will do. And no films or paper or chemicals! Delete delete, ah bugger is probably a familiar mantra around the house now. I want his camera... And skills.

Back to "K"--- She had gotten hold of a slide scanner, but the idea of working through over one thousand slides and scanning in the ones that were most === hm, wanted ? liked ? needed ? was a bit of a long haul. A quick call to let her know that I had started, revealed she did not do the whole lot? I think so, which meant that I aim to do the lot- and then reproduce it somehow for the siblings. Maybe. Depends how I label the lot- with comments too? Oh deary me, will see.

After the year has gone past, and the weather not conducive to vineyard maintenance, and the house work practically done, and no need to take gels out as their chore for the month CLEAN YOUR ROOM was not done, and i do not want to wade through a bunch of fine print from some insurance companies...[breathe] I started on the journey of discovering my Illustrious Past, so to speak.

I began in the afternoon after some research- JPG or TIFF? JPG. Then started sorting. The gels had been banished from the TV until their room was done. Eldest son returned with the family car after an overnight beach camp, and was on the way to a bush camp, watch out for the Bunyips! Son#2 was riding or skating then working. I was Marvining along with the setup. Needed to install, and configure and upgrade the scanner stuff. Then figure out the way to do it. By 4am, had completed three reels... Then this morning, there are some out of order. Ah well.
Mum's mum and her dad |
There is a few of my mums mums dad- Pop Coop [I think], and both sets of grandparents, the School Principal and the Champion Racing Horse Trainer. And their wives too! My dad's sister was about the same age as my gels are now and mum's brother a little older than that when I was born.
I need some feedback- Should I Publish
Those Pictures?
So far, two days of archaeology or tracing family tree pictorially and nearly no TV or reading or Strict child supervision, or gardening... Just digging around in the roots of my generation, seeing anniversaries (My Birthdays!) and families in pictures.
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