An Update on the career
Southwest Queensland
I am available for the rest of the year as a contract wellsite geologist Australia wide.
The last completed contract was with Real Energy Corporation, on a two well campaign program, appraising the Tamarama field, southwest of Eromanga, Queensland, about 4 km west of the Cocos field and north of the Mt Howitt field. I had been on quite a few wells in the district since the eighties and nineties, and welcomed the chance to do some more drilling in the area after many months out of the field and work.
The job started early April, and was completed by the end of May, doing the usual wellsite geologist chores, microscopy/fluoroscopy, reports, predicting formation tops, overseeing the mudloggers and the wireline contractor.
The rig was a super single, very effecient drilling, but tripping- man oh man- so just as good as a triple anyway.
According to the exploration geologist, it was a tough but good little job, and the company looks forward to getting the field developed.
It was a very good work environment, the people all great at the jobs, and besides some little usual hiccups to be expected on any drilling/logging job, I enjoyed the opportunity and experience out there. helped to have the intenet on tap too!
Seven weeks away- at one stage towards the end I thought I can stay out here for another well- next day- noo, not really, a break would be good.

At Eromanga there is a dinosaur museum, a great plce for a hour or two to visit, with some of the largest ones recovered from a paddock at a nearby cattle station. The bones were stumbled over by the owners son a few years ago, he thought a boulder looked really different from others spread around.
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