Sunday, November 25, 2012

Lone Post

A Lonely post I mean

[A cut down rant...]

I know I have chosen to live out east of the Big Smoke.

I know it means many dollars and time and travelling miles and miles to visit people.

I may as well be in Maui.

I may as well forget keeping a phone. Lose the email even and abandon face book.

As soon as the kids are out on their own, I may well be over there, Maui.

An/ Or do I have to Ask People here? Maybe I need to push that idea, cos I do think/like/expect visitors  unannounced- I do like that- but preparation, too, is a key...

I am up and down, and locking myself away from the kids- not that they are unsupervised or what ever, but, it's just weird man. Maybe I am just another a'hole after all, probably unlucky to have/keep a partner as well.

And a better job aint going to improve things or make me feel better- Only being able to Get Things, or send the kids onto more Exciting Things- ie a holiday, a better school.


AN aside-
Been ten years since Tarn's mum Bev passed on, and Bev's sister, and my dad's mother Glad too. What  strange hardships our family  has been through, and we still carry on. All three women were special to my Tarn, and she was to them too. I miss the four of them. Tarn is still alive in my head*- as all partners ever are, and I like to imagine them all around a table talking with the kids, cos the kids are not Littlies Anymore. Ask Fras!

Anyway, rant over, hope Chrissy time is better for all.

Bring on global warming!
Nothing like feeling the tide come in through your toes while waiting for a breeze.
I mean all of that. I did it.

*a la Kylie M's song....

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