Like its complexity and its Doppelgangers.
And this is besides politics and religion- Gaddafi, The Ayotollahs, Popes & Presidents [i.e. Bush], examples of the immediate present and past- and social niceties and taboos that people have taken up in order to try to take over the world from the conventional order of plate tectonics and mantle plumes [the prime driver of evolution- see Japan- recently] and the oxygen exhalers [blue green algae etc etc the original "world leaders", the secondary life drivers] and then the ones that depend on those processes [bacteria- where we are derived from according to some experts, and viruses], and of course natural selection or evolution of those singularly spectacular processes in them selves [Wikipedia has some excellent articles on those BTW, and on the Fed too!] A little rant from an irrationalist...
Okay, we are the parasites on the face of the planet. Blue green algae, bacterium, viruses- they will out-last us all. I mean, if a few simple "organisms" are still around after a few billion years, that means that it is hard to kill em... and undoubtedly these primal organisms will be around for a few billion more years, no matter what hits the planet- asteroid or human mal-adaptions. If they and their descendants were not around, what would we be living off anyway?
So if you have read up on some biology, even glancingly like I have recently (wikipedia of course), and then look at a photograph of a crowd of penguins, bears or people- or fish or bees- they are strikingly- what? Bilateral? Left and right, two of this, two of that, one of these and one of those. Legs, arms. Faces... Similar. We need faces to identify each other or we would be like fish in the schools [that are disappearing at a rate not due to natural causes, but anyway], twisting toward or away from food and predators, and not individuals- oh, the fish might be identifiable if observed in smaller groups- like goldfish and the aquariums they live in- kids always know Their Fish!
So if there are a few "x-illions" of organisms, I bet there are countless repetitions of larger multicellular life too- Dopplegangers as far as DNA goes. Like goldfish for example. And have you heard of the expression that similar or too dissimilar personalties cause conflicts in the workplace?
Hmm. Well.
So after this somewhat laborious dissertation on geology, biology and perhaps psychology-
I believe we all have twins distributed throughout the population! Not the same town so much as anywhere.
You walk down the street, and someone will remind you of a person you know well.
It may be the way they are walking or talking, or the shrug or look they give in an exchange. Just weird.
And then you sort of know how to react to them, or just do so in an unconscious way.
An example. I have a little "racist" reaction to redheads- or real carrot tops. I am always a little selfconcious at a level that says- "don't trust them"! Why is that? Some past experience tells me that they may be a bit annoyed at being so unique- a chip on their shoulders type attitude- that as a child they may have been picked on or bullied too much for being "so" different for their red hair? Hot tempered? A Learned Reaction Behavior? So I class them as a species I suppose, that behaves that way. "Always". And when people dye their hair red- what are they looking for really? A better social; intercourse with the rest of us? I better watch out, my cousin's boys are so good natured in contrast to other red heads- maybe a generational change has come about? Although, for some mad reason, some researcher has written up that as a Hair Type, redheadedness maybe being bred out of us due to the mass migrations all over the world, one of the northern hemisphers's unique traits will be gone in a few generations, that aberrant gene losing out as it is not a survival trait needed anymore. Or was it that the Vikings changed their preferences from redheads to blondes... [and nice boobies?]
Or another strange occurrence- a child exhibits a behavior that reminds me so much of a adult I only know through the media- they may have a similar sound to their speech pattern for example. A duplicate personalty? I will never know that media person, but it is so amusing that they are and were so alike, would they have similar personalities too?
Or an overseas friend-
Or my sister- the younger- reminds me of others so much in that generation. Are they are being cloned from internet participation or what?
A long time later
You have to read these:
By the way, I have just finished reading a few great books or three on my Kindle#2-
"Power,Sex Suicide : Mitochondria and the meaning of life" by Nick Lane and
"Life's Ratchet : How Molecular Machines Extract Order From Chaos" by Peter F. Hoffman.
That was a few intense weeks I tell you! Highly recommended to everyone.
"Power,Sex Suicide : Mitochondria and the meaning of life" by Nick Lane and
"Life's Ratchet : How Molecular Machines Extract Order From Chaos" by Peter F. Hoffman.
That was a few intense weeks I tell you! Highly recommended to everyone.
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